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Showing posts from September, 2012

#29 - write in a journal weekly for six months (7/27)

(I've given up on trying to make this consecutive weeks, but I'll still count it if I get 27 journal-type entries in.) My good friend Alaina posted these questions on her blog for people to answer, so I'm stealing them!  We know how I feel about middle-school-type surveys. 1. What makes you cringe? Angry confrontation.  I'm happy to engage in open, respectful discourse, but as soon people start using "attack language," I literally shrink down in my seat.  It makes me uncomfortable, like when your friend's parents yell at her in front of you. 2. How do you eat an Oreo and what do you think that says about you? I eat mine the same way Alaina eats hers--I eat the filling, put the two cookie parts back together, and eat them.  I'm also the kid who eats all the marshmallows first and then has to eat the cardboardy cereal bits by themselves.  I think this says that I'm not very good at rationing out the extra-good parts. 3. Are you a procrast...