(prompt from here ) "Some of the things that make me happy are . . ." ...turning to a radio station just as a Backstreet Boys song comes on. ...seeing my cats sitting in the window from outside. ...smelling anything cinnamon-spicy. (Christmas!) ...line dances. ...singing tenor to Ricky's bass during church. ...going to the gas station with Ricky to get doughnuts in the middle of the night. ...finding a parking space for class on the first floor of the garage. ...hearing the theme songs from my favorite '90s sitcoms. ...those little pockets of sunbeams through clouds. ...walking out of an airport into a brand new place. ...organizing my bookshelves. ...driving through the Everglades. ...re-reading a favorite book series. ...Main Street at Magic Kingdom. ...finding out that a friend likes something nerdy that I like. ...children's rooms in libraries. ...coming over the Food Lion hill and seeing...
555 days, 55 goals. For every goal I complete by the end of the 555 days, I'll donate $2 to the Roanoke Community Bail Fund.