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Showing posts from September, 2013

#60 - make a batch of laundry detergent

I made laundry detergent today! (Dots not included.) Recipe from here . I've been wanting to do this for a while, since the ingredients are way cheaper than store-bought detergent and are more natural. If you want to get ingredients for this, don't get them online unless you want to pay a lot more. Fels-Naptha soap was just over a dollar at Publix, and the washing soda and borax were both around $4 (washing soda at Public, borax at Wal-Mart). I have a load in now, so results TBD...

#61 - go someplace with little to no light pollution and stargaze AND #62 - identify ten constellations and ten stars

As much as I love living on the East Coast, sometimes it's frustrating looking at satellite images and seeing the entire Eastern seaboard lit up like a Christmas tree. You can't see anything at nighttime! There are some dark spots in Florida, if you're willing to camp out in the middle of the Everglades...but that takes a level of commitment beyond what my fear of being eaten by a python allows me to have. Idaho, on the other hand, is GREAT for stargazing, despite otherwise being largely bland and unappealing. (No offense, Idahoans.) Actually, now that I think about it, those are probably the necessary qualities that make a place good for stargazing. Last night, Ricky drove us up to the top of Mount Harrison around midnight for some sweet spacetime adventures.  It's about 9,200 feet high, which is basically nothing if you're from out west and practically Mount Everest if you're from a place known for being below sea level. It was crazy dark! I ha...