Having a graduate degree in English is a weird thing for the following reasons: 1) There is absolutely no way to tell someone you have one without sounding super full of yourself. 2) When people DO find out you have one, almost always their next response is either "So...are you going to teach?"* or "Wow, I guess I'll have to watch how I talk around you!" (The response to both is "That's really not what I got this degree for, but it's cute you think that.") So, pretention and way too much caffeine aside, I got my M.A.! The ceremony was very different from what I'm used to (read: SVU graduation), but it wasn't bad sitting through the hours of undergraduate names once I realized that the hundreds of people in the stadium were all taking pictures and generally not paying attention. We had to wait outside in the hot before we could go into the stadium. Out in the hot with those itchy white hoods that catch all the mak...
555 days, 55 goals. For every goal I complete by the end of the 555 days, I'll donate $2 to the Roanoke Community Bail Fund.