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Showing posts from July, 2011

#40 - Donate to SVU

"Ricardo Jensen...& Katie!"  Aw, Jeff. :D Ricky and I got our first alumni calls from the SVU annual fund!  The funny part is that when I got called, I didn't know that Ricky had already donated, so I donated for us AGAIN.  That's how much we love our college, guys--both Ricky and I, independently, chose to give it money.  I was a caller for the annual fund, so I know the drill, and the guy who called me was awfully excited when I told him I would be paying by credit card.  (Callers get added bonuses when they get credit card donations!) Hopefully in the future our donations will be a bit more...substantial. :) Also, look at my cat!  Isn't she the cutest?

#34 - Go to Disney World

Truth be told, I'm not quite sure how Pixar movies and Atlas Shrugged beat this goal to the top of the list.  Disney World is at the top of EVERYONE'S bucket list.  If it's not on yours, you have no soul.  (Yeah, I said it!  What now?) Ricky and I aren't exactly Bill and Melinda Gates, and Disney World isn't exactly a $5 stroll around the local museum, so we weren't quite sure if our Disney trip would be anything more than a one-time deal.  We did some soul-searching, however, and upon realizing that soon enough we would have children dragging us into the bottomless pits of parenthood (I say that lovingly, all you wonderful friends of mine who happen to be parents), the time was ripe to cram in the rest of our own childhood antics while we could.  Plus, babies aren't tall enough to ride rollercoasters.  I logic astounds you. The moral of that story is that we took advantage of the lovely monthly payment plan available to FL residents for s...